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King's Ransom Foundation

Watch this video from Chad Ketcher, Donor Relations and Marketing at King’s Ransom Foundation, to learn more about Lynn Group’s partnership with the organization. 

At Lynn Engineering, we’re much more than an engineering firm. Our mission is about something much larger than ourselves. 

We think BIG, to work BIG, to give BIG.

In this decade, LynnGroup companies seek to rescue 500 sex slaves from human trafficking, construct 500 new homes for disadvantaged families across the globe, feed 1,000 orphans and dig 30,000 new water wells in developing nations. 2030 is more than just a number to us.

To accomplish this goal, we’ve been longtime partners of King’s Ransom Foundation. Founded in 2009, King’s Ransom Foundation is a USA non-profit 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to upholding the cause of the widow, the orphan, the poor and the needy. The organization is making an impact in the lives of people across the globe through direct humanitarian activities.

Learn more about King’s Ransom Foundation at To get involved with our Vision2030 projects, visit

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