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2018 IBC & IRC Standards

Protection of opening requirements for wind borne debris regions.

As of Sept. 1, 2020, Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has adopted the 2018 International Building Code and International Residential Code as the standards for insurance through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA). The new codes provide greater windstorm protection and will apply to new construction, repairs and additions.

Chapter 16 Section 1609 of the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) makes changes to protection of opening requirements for wind borne debris regions. The code change does increase the wind speeds, but the design pressures are not drastically changing, and in some cases are decreasing.

For wind borne debris protection, code will now require that all windows and glazing (replacement and new construction) have one of the following methods for wind borne debris protection:

The changes to the windspeed calculations for Risk Category II may look like a significant change but it is really not. In fact, Lynn Engineering has been designing to this standard since the beginning of 2020 in anticipation of this change. When beginning to think about your coastal construction project, make sure to connect with us at Lynn Engineering to ensure the process goes smoothly and is done right the first time. Visit us online at or call (979) 245-8900 to speak with our professionals today
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